On HRC, Orthopedic Vans, Bougey 'Bouche and Two of my favorite Silver Foxes.
It's Friday, it's the first day of fall and we're smack dab in the ten days of repentance between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. All of this to say - change is in the air. I'm interested to see how the lack of seasons here in California changes my feelings of newness in September. I've always considered the academic year more of a true year than the solar year.
I appreciate the haziness of summer leading into the crispness of fall.
The cutoffs turning into collars.
It feels much more regenerative than waking up January 1 with a hangover and a huge bruise on your tush from slipping on the ice walking home because you couldn't get a taxi, a lyft or even a morally corrupt Uber.
The ten days of repentance ask Jewish people to take account of their lives, examine what's working and what's not and basically what they can do to be a better person. We're asked to pinpoint some of the trickier times over the past year and evaluate how we handled them and how we might have handled them differently, maybe some of the choices that we made. Essentially it's a 10 day meditative period. If I were much more Jewish than I am, it would be a long 10 days as it's been a serious year. Instead, I am choosing to use the time to embrace the change at hand, do some relaxation through things I adore (like reading, cooking and painting) and hope that by settling my mind a bit, introspectiveness will manifest organically. So I figured I would start by sharing a few things that I'm really digging lately. I used to do this a lot in this blog - and I'd like to bring it back. So let's talk:
LCF is XOXOing
MEMOIRSWell, that's not actually the name of the book, but it might as well be. Right now I am about 3/4 of the way through Hil's much talked about campaign memoir, "What Happened."In case you were unaware, I'm a big fan of Hillary, believe she would have made an incredible president and am completely unapologetic about it. I get a lot of shit from the far left about being too conservative and probably would get even more shit from the far right if I engaged with anyone who dwells on that side of the political spectrum. But to me, she's a highly educated, well worn politician whose actions throughout the past fifty years would lead me to believe that for the most part she has the best interests of most Americans in mind. And unlike a lot of people, I believe in politicians dealing in politics. Just like I wouldn't want a lawyer cleaning my teeth, I don't want a business man running the country. Just my opinion.Anyway, this book is only vaguely about politics. This book is about media, gender inequality and our culture of polarization. All expressed with a candor and wit that I could have only imagined was hiding behind that strong exterior. I should have known after my personal favorite email was leaked:"Should we be bad? Should we get a creme brulee? Let's split a creme brulee." Hils to Huma.We've all been there, right? (and just in case there is any question, I'm always in favor of getting your own creme brulee)I'm not going to try to force you to read this book. What I will say is that if you are at all interested in how maybe the most qualified candidate feels about what went wrong and how she could have possibly lost to the least qualified candidate, you should read this book. It's really good.
Darlings, my knees hurt all the time. My knees hurt, my joints crack and my shoulders seem to creep further towards my neck everyday. So on doctor's orders (cue: Carol Douglas) I went to the physical therapist who gave me an entirely clinical diagnosis that I have spent the past twenty years....
"Walking around trying to look as skinny and bossy as possible"
This, darlings, has apparently resulted in me hyperextending my body leading to the muscles of my backbody not firing the way they are supposed to and me becoming reliant on my quads to bear the stress of basically my entire body. This means that the muscles in the back of my body are failing to help hold my knees in place. So that's annoying because the diagnosis is nothing if not 100% correct and honestly I have no plans to stop doing either and since I have no intention of giving up carbs anytime soon, hyperextension (aka smoke and mirrors) is where it's at.So the doctor gives me some exercises to do, told me that I coudn't dance for a few months because it would just perpetuate the problem (cue: In Defense of Dance) and suggested I lay off both the high heels and the flat sneakers like my beloved chucks and vans. You want to talk about a hard side eye? "Oh REALLLLLY, Doc?" I, of course, chose to ignore half of that advice because truth be told, I am vain and there are no shoes that work with my wardrobe that are also good for you.UNTIL NOW. These are my YEEZYS (which darlings is another story for another day). Lightweight, lots of heel support, arch support and cussshy! This is the kind of shoe my physical therapist was talking about! So now I can at least get old in a way that harkens back to my youth. I love that Vans is making Orthopedic shoes now, it's a smart business move. We're all getting older. Stacy Peralta is 60. He definitely is going to need some orthopedic Vans. These also come in millenial pink for the older millenial who wants to hold on the hip, irreverent, trouble making generation moniker for as long as possible.
I was raised by a hippie. Actually, I like to think of my mom as the perfect combination of Grace and Frankie. She appreciates Moschino, but she also has more drug stories (she's great at entertaining clients with them) than anyone I know. She used to wear a full length Beaver coat to the seven eleven at 7am to get Half and Half and Marlboro Reds, but she also made me watch "Hair" when I was far too young to understand any of it. Point being, I grew in a home where everything goes. But I do have some Hippie tendencies that to me, aren't hippie, they're just innate. But I get called out on them by my friends all the time.I hate taking showers.I love being barefoot.I believe that ultimately the universe does provide.I could go on. But I also love Chanel perfume, I wear pearls every day, my personal preference is a shaved underarm and I absolutely LOATHE the smell of Patchouli.So when I saw Rose Kombucha, I felt a little like this drink was made just for me. Because I love kombucha. I'm not sure why because it tastes like vinegar and yeast and funk. Ok, so that's why I like it. But this vinegar, yeast and funk tastes like rose water, which is one of my most favorite things in the world.Now, I admit that this is perhaps even more #basic than a pumpkin spice latte. But darlings, it's so delicious, I don't even care. Someone hand me my leggings, please.
I stumbled upon this show on Amazon last night when I was devastated to find out that I was a day early for the return of the Pfefferman family.Most of all, I love the fact that pretty much everything Billy Bob does you can explain by saying "Well, BB plays a dirty old, drunken, womanizing ____________________" Not typecast at all. And just for the record, my favorite dirty old man BBT is when he plays a Clinton-esque president in "Love Actually," haters be damned.It's an underdog, "Billions"esque show about BBT trying a case (with a squad of lovable unsavories including the female version of Saul and a hooker who works as BBTs legal aid during the day) against the firm he founded and later was fired/quit from (TBD). I'm a little obsessed with it and would highly suggest it. It's only 8 episodes so easily bingeable on a fall weekend. Last night I left off with a full frontal of William Hurt. And that's where I'll leave you too.