Emmys 2017 or Is it Halloween already?
Darlings,I must say that this years emmy red carpet was full of exciting looks and lots of people really and truly doing their own thing which I applaud.Before we get into the sass that will ultimately unravel here, I want to point out two things.First of all, I wanted to point out the blue ribbon that so many people were wearing as an accessory last night. The blue ribbon is for the ACLU - an organization that needs us right now just like we need them. If you are so inclined, please donate. Because it's important and because no person should be afraid of the sheer act of leaving their house in the morning.Also, because this is my blog and I get to write whatever I want - remember the red ribbons people used to wear to award shows? HIV research still isn't done, there isn't a cure and while people aren't necessarily dying from the disease anymore, there is still so much to learn about it, so much education to be done to get rid of the stigma and there's got to be a way to find a cure.Second of all. Can you please handle Lena Waithe's speech?
"I see each and every one of you. The things that make us different, those are our superpowers — every day when you walk out the door and put on your imaginary cape and go out there and conquer the world because the world would not be as beautiful as it is if we weren't in it."If you haven't seen the whole thing, watch here. This, darlings, is what the world needs more of. #fucktrumpAll that being said, there are still some things that I would've liked to see changed on the red carpet. But there are also some looks that I could get enough of. Let's start somewhere in the middle.Well, let me start by saying I keep seeing memes like these online:

First of all, Jessica Biel was giving me some significant Biana Jagger feels in this dress. Her hair was spot on, her makeup too and there is nothing that I would have like to see more. Although, if at all possible, next year if Jessica and Traci Ellis Ross wanted to show up in gowns akin to this year on a white horse together, I would be OK with it.I don't know why I love Kathryn Hahn's dress because really historically I shouldn't. But I do. Maybe KH just has a old over me. I love the bold dots, the simple silhouette and the really clean lies of the whole look. This look makes sense to me for her, and I love it.Evan Rachel Wood always brings it with the suits. ALWAYS. This year might be the best yet. And I know I say it every year, but this might be the year that I am convinced to live on chicken breast and broccoli alone so that I might one day put myself into an entirely white, wide legged, high waisted tuxedo. In fact, next time we're out drinking tequila and eating fried potato products, please remind me of this.I can't guarantee that this won't happen, but I promise I'll try to remember this blog post:
And finally you have Jeffrey Dean Morgan up there. Because he is God's gift to the earth and because he is wearing a velvet suit. His date/wife/whatever is wearing a terrible orange dress from the Junior's section at Nordstrom, but that is neither here nor there.Darlings, I have to go to work. So this is what I have for you in review of the Emmy's red carpet this year. I'm sorry it's not as funny as usual, I'm trying to be nicer in general. We'll see how long it lasts.Thanks for listening and don't forget to say a prayer to the patron saint of Stanley Tucci on the way out.
Love ya Stans.Love you darlings.xoxo LCF All red carpet photos credited to: Getty Images