It only takes one letter to go from sad to SAG or why I had to take a sequin break.
Darlings,I'm not even going to make a statement about the state of this country, because this is not a blog about awful, horrible, no good, terrible, very bad, vile, disgusting, putrid, vomit inducing things. It's about things that I love. And under that category I wouldn't file he who shall not be named, number 45 or any of the petulant, xenophobic, contradicting douchebags that stand around him. What I will say is be kind to your neighbor and remember empathy (unless you are talking to someone at your student loan lender, then go ahead - let them have it.)Anyway, darlings - on to some great news. The SAG red carpet looks like it was a blast. A bright, sequined blast.
First of all, can we talk about these two? I mean, they are the more accessible Barry and Joe. The space between these two is full of inside jokes, fabulous Saturdays and sequins. I'm in total love with Busy's purple camo sequins and half sleeves. And I guess this red carpet season is the season of the gratuitous neck wrap for Michelle? I don't hate this one as much as the globes, but darlings, still.And the best part of their friendship?
They met on the set of my personal favorite show, Dawsons Creek. Are you shocked, darlings? It may be a horrible show, but it will always be my favorite. And for the record, #teamDawson here. Capital D. In other #squadgoal news, while I am not entirely moved by any of these dresses, I feel like what I would love to do is put on a long black dress, get my hair blown out and sit in the corner of an after-party and giggle at everyone else while sharing a discrete vape pen and then going to get burgers afterward with these gals.

ERW has redeemed herself here. In a navy blue, double-breasted, wide lapeled suit, she has redeemed herself. This is decidedly sleek and not at all costumed like the last attempt she made. It is strong and sexy and again, darlings, I am more than a little jealous that she can wear a double breasted jacket and not look like a large square.Now, Clea Duvall, I don't love her suit. What I will say is that I love Clea Duvall and I would expect no less from her than to wear something kind of awkward and just almost really good on the red carpet. I do love her shoes and her one cheeked smile and the fact that she was the "weird one" in just about every single one of my favorite movies from the 90s. Michael Scott once said, "there is no way of knowing what goes on inside the tigers head," and I can't think of a better time to use it than right now to describe one Nicole Kidman.
Now darlings, usually Nicole and I are polarized in our eccentricities. But this time, we've met in the middle. This incredible Gucci dress has left me awestruck. In fact, there is nothing that I would rather put on my body right now. Even after a very large dinner and an unwavering desire to never leave my couch again. The feathered epaulettes create a ferocity that is softened just enough by the sheer lapel. And, darlings, I've never met a kelly green sequin that I didn't love. I can imagine this dress, worn to shreds (because who would ever want to take it off) as the costume for an avian Grisabella. And that's an image I never want to shake.I could have done without the ruffles at the bottom, but due to the impossibility of Nicole Kidman wearing anything that I like, let alone love, is shocking, so I won't give any demerits for the ruffles this time.I always love Lily Tomlin.
And tonight she looks like she is wearing the costume for River Dance on Ice. That's all I'm going to say about that, darlings and it is up to you to determine the sentiment.Darlings, it's not secret that I am entirely scared of getting older. Of losing skin elasticity, of varicose veins and of root canals. Yes, very vain, but you already knew that! But I have to tell you. One thing that excites me is the continual growth of personal style. There are a few women who exemplify the comprehensive ascend of their personal style. One of them is Glenn Close. She shows up a lot here for knowing who she is and loving it. There is no one who looks better in Zac Posen than Glenn Close. No one.And then there's Judith.
I might be biased. My mom was a member of the Judith Light fan club (something she always gets angry at me for omitting when I talk about Judith), so it might just be in my blood. But darlings, I don't think this is subjective. You take a look at the look above and tell me that wether it's the dress, or the attitude or the diamonds (darlings, it's certainly not the shoes), there's not something entirely special there.And that's it. Darlings, my wit feels weak lately, so I hope you'll forgive the lack of snark and lowered sass. It'll be back, I can only hope.In the meantime, be kind, be curious and say thank you.xoxolcf