Crazy Dog Mom is a real Affliction or The many faces of #SJFT.
WARNING WARNING WARNING: This post is a ridiculous dog mom post. We will resume regular programming on Friday!
Darlings,My little, tiny, baby Stanley James is turning 2 today. We adopted little Stanley from a kill shelter down south.
LOOK AT THAT SHAYNA PUNIM! Can you believe that le hubs didn't even want to adopt him? Well, he didn't not want to adopt him in particular, but he didn't want to adopt a dog because apparently, I'm not responsible enough. Well, darlings, that might be true, but we all adjust to the changes that life throws at us, right?!And so one night, feeling especially sassy (WHO ME?!), le hubs and I were at dinner and I started crying into my boeuf borguinon because I just felt that it was time for me to become a dog mom. And so, le hubs really had no choice but to give in to my maternal whims (darling, can you imagine what will happen when I decide I want a baby?!) and call the adoption agency and say - WE'RE IN.We had to have an interview so that they knew that we would be fit to raise such a regal dog. And then we had to drive down to Vermont to pick him up. So on a rainy day, we packed into the Subaru and went to pick up our new little crazy.
We named him Stanley because le hubs and I met and got married on lake Stanley.
But it just so happens that he also shares a whole lot of personality traits as the lovable Stanley Hudson. So it kind of worked out.

He quickly also became one of the most mischievous little devils ever.
But we keep loving him, because for all of the egg shells he destroys on the sofa, all of the pairs of glasses and shoes he eats, all of the chastity belt like protection he has for me and for all of the nights he stays up barking at nothing - he makes us so happy. When he snuggles, there is nothing better in life, when he sighs in his sleep, the jokes about how tough his life must be never get old, and when he gets sassy, it's the most ridiculous thing ever.For every moment of love and for every moment of crazy, he has a nickname, an outfit and a bitchy resting face.

Gloria is my personal favorite - as in Agador Spartacus saying "Come on, Gloria" as he picks up a boom box playing Gloria Estefan and leaves the kitchen.In fact, I think the reason I love Stanley James Fox Tysoe so much is because even more than Stanley Hudson, he reminds me of Agador Spartacus, one of the greatest characters in all of film history. So, happy birthday to my favorite baby, Stanley.I hope you never stop embracing the snark of your namesake, Stanley Hudson, or the sass of your spirit animal, Agador Spartacus.Here's hoping that next year you develop a taste for milkbones instead of Prada (please, like that could ever happen!)xoxolcf