Martha got a tattoo and I got new stemware.
Darlings,In honor of Martha Stewart's model shot enhanced with "modern tattoos"
I thought it best to celebrate some of my favorite little luxuries around the house. Since Martha's main goal in life is to celebrate the home. AND especially since it's snowing and pretty much all I want to do is stay cozy inside my home.My first favorite little luxury is fresh flowers. It's one of the most wonderful things to come home to - flowers everywhere. It makes a house feel like a home. Is it a frivolous expense? Of course. Is it worth it? Yes, of course it is my darlings.My only rule about flowers in the house is that there is one varietal, in one color at a time. You can't have a vase of pink roses in the kitchen and a jar of calla lilies in the other. You just can't. Well, at least not in my house. Now, my most favorite flower to have in the house is a pink spray rose.
Spray roses are Rose's smaller, more austere sister, perfect to brighten every day. Spray roses are beautiful, soft, elegant and kind of best of all, affordable.They were our wedding flower and they look beautiful in every room from the dining room to the bathroom. They smell incredible and are less ostentatious than their full size counterpart. When I want to feel closer to my mom, I keep stargazers in the house. They are her favorite and the intoxicating scent of them brings me back to home, to mom and in fact, to almost every prom bouquet I ever had (and darlings, I had a lot).
Another luxury for the home that I adore?Candles.I find that candles are kind of polarizing. People either love them or hate them.I love them, but in order to find their way into my home, they have to smell a certain way and usually that certain way is expensive. Darlings, you know how I loathe seasonally scented candles (with the exception of balsam), so I try to keep the house smelling similar through the seasons. I personally love anything with a fresh floral scent or a scent reminiscent of the sea.

I love Voluspa candles. Their Mokaru and Crane Flower scents are just divine, and they make the whole house smell incredible. Mokaru is a mix of Mokara orchid, white lily and spring moss and is really clean and light. Crane Flower is heavier and sweeter, which I don't usually like, but somehow this works. Crane Flower is ripened grapefruit combined with geranium, lavender and nectar and apparently inspired by the bird of paradise.Ugh, darlings, when will the internet invent a scratch and sniff? What's the point of talking about candles if you can't smell their decadency? I would suggest running to the nearest anthropologie and blowing all of your fun money on expensive candles right now.One last little luxury? I don't know if I would necessarily consider this a luxury, but when you get it right, it sure does feel luxurious.Stemware. The right stemware can make or break a good glass of wine, a dry martini or even the most common drink of seltzer.Personally I love an extremely thin stem with the slightest, tiny bit rounded angle to the bowl. The actually glass it's made of must be very fine. I absolutely loathe heavy stemware. It makes no sense at all to me. Why would you drink something so fine out of something so unweildy? I'll never understand it. Especially when I dine out. If I'm ordering a $13 glass of wine, I resent the squat, machine blown glass that you've just put in front of me. I can buy a catering box of wine glasses too, but of course choose not to. Because I appreciate things for their beauty, for their particular purpose - not just for their absolute function.I love the "Nattie" series from Crate and Barrel. Incredibly reasonably priced, they wear beautifully and hold $8 wine and $80 wine in a similar regard. You don't have to break the bank to ensure civility is upheld every time you take a sip with these.
So darlings, your house is your home, so as the kids say #treatyoself. You don't have to go into debt to make a few adjustments to your home to create a certain level of decorum - your grandmother would be proud.What are your little luxuries around the house?Darlings, tomorrow I will give you a recipe for perhaps the most delicious hake I've ever had.xoxolcf