I resolve to add to my life, not subtract from my waist line.
Good Evening Darlings,Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season full of love, sparkles and delicious, delicious food.I have a lot of goals this year (not least of which is to make more time for you darlings!), but one of the biggest ones has to do with food. But it's not my usual 10 desire to lose 10 pounds - nope, I'm over that...Instead darlings, this year, the goal is to incorporate as much delicious fruits and vegetables as I can in the food that I prepare for myself and le hubs.But before I go into the "healthy" stuff, let me tell you about this new ice cream that I am completely obsessing over - It's Tortoni flavored. And if you love Tortoni, like I do, but live in a place where there are no restaurants that serve it, like I do - this is your best bet!Don't know what Tortoni is?I probably wouldn't either if they didn't serve it at my favorite down and dirty Italian place in the world - Villa di Roma (if you go and don't get the capellini with garlic and anchovies, you are cheating yourself, although your significant other might thank you).It's an Almond based ice-cream-ish dessert that has questionable roots tracing back to a Paris cafe by way of Italy, maybe. This NYT article from moons ago has more information.The questionable history of TortoniSuffice to say, it's a fairly difficult flavor to find. But once you do, you remember why it's so good - with it's almondy, rummy, sweet cherry goodness. It feels refined and utterly indulgent at the same time.Anyway - it's made by a company called BLVD and it's apparently only avail at Whole Foods. BLVD Ice Cream Now back to the healthy new year talk -Listen, the biggest problem I have with that is when I buy too much fresh produce, I without a doubt end up with wilted something or other at the bottom of the crisper when the next Sunday comes around. Another part of this goal for 2016 is that this doesn't happen anymore. To use and utilize as much as possible.So in addition to menu planning (which I do pretty much every week), I have devised a plan.The plan starts the way every organizational plan of mine starts: with clear shoeboxes from The Container Store.
I mark the boxes with each night's dinner (and thus, the next day's lunch) and fill it with the main protein, vegetable and starch for that meal. Most proteins last 1-3 days past their sell-by date in the refrigerator, so if you are buying your proteins on Sunday - they should last through the week in the fridge...And then you don't have to worry about defrosting (MY ARCH NEMESIS!)I know it looks kind of crazy, but I think it's really going to help with utilization.I'll keep you guys updated.In the meantime, this week's menu? Recipes and photos to follow.Sunday - Lemon Roasted Chicken and Eggplant with Orzo Salad (ohh and I'm making a Cranberry Bread Pudding too!)Monday - Baked Salmon with CousCous and BroccoliTuesday - Harissa Spiced Shrimp with Sauteed Spinach and QuinoaWednesday - Grilled Chicken with Kale and Sweet PotatoesThursday - Seared Hake with Spicy Tomatoe sauce, mixed vegetable salad.Friday - Za'aatar Flat Iron Steak with Tahini and Lemon Kale CaesarSo darlings, I hope to get back to you each night this week with a new recipe. But I want to know...what are you eating this week?xoxolcf