Tension Headaches, Teen Vogue and Utilitarian Diamonds or Riding with Lost Items in Rental Cars.
Darlings,I thought I'd start the weekend off with an oldie but goodie, Food/Fashion/Vice.This week has been a crazy one, I feel like I've spent the majority of it in my car (which is already over lease miles - the leasing experiment feels like a one and done in my book), worked from dawn til well, dawn and punctuated the week with an emergency trip to the doctor last night because webmd told me that I may have symptoms of a brain bleed. Turns out it was a tension headache. At least I got in my annual psychosomatic emergency trip to the hospital in under the wire for 2017. Phew, I was beginning to worry that maybe my anxiety was getting better.Something that is not helping my anxiety? The fact that Conde Nast has ceased print of Teen Vogue, which under the helm of Elaine Welteroth was the most progressive teen magazine, um, ever. Political articles next to pieces on the best lip gloss for every occasion. My kind of magazine! When I first read that CN was nixing the print version my thought was that kids these days don't really read magazines anyway, they read them on their devices, but it's not true and teenagers everywhere are up in arms about this! Personally and I know I'm certainly in the generational minority on this one, I like my magazines and books analog. I like being able to take something to bed that isn't a screen. Anyway, I'm sure CN had their reasons for getting rid of the print version like dollar bills, but selfishly I fear that my beloved Bon Appetit is next and that makes me horrified (they've already cut it back to 10 issues a year) and while I love the website and the podcast, I savor the magazine. I'm all for our digital world, but I also believe that we need to maintain some analog pieces of life. If all of us already spend too much time on our devices, what happens when everything we maintained outside of our devices are slurped into them? Honestly, my time with books and magazines and cooking are the times when I can get out of my head and off my device. I hope it's something as a society we'll begin to appreciate moving forward.Anyway, enough about all that. Darlings, let's Food/Fashion/Vice.FoodDarlings, all I want to eat every night is kale with olive oil, lemon, garlic and red pepper flakes. Sometimes I feel so bad for le hubs because the things I love most are kind of the things he hates so much. Kale is one of those things, although he's come around to it in the past few years (how someone can hate salmon and ginger so much is a mystery to me). I treat Kale as preventative health care, so he really has no choice. And at the end of the day, throwing garlic, olive oil and lemon juice on anything makes it taste unlike what it is and like you're eating the best thing in the whole world. Sometimes I'll even drizzle some tahini on top and darlings, even the biggest loather of kale can't keep their little paws off it.(i love kale, but hate the way it photographs, so how about a meme instead?)
FashionDarlings, I left my leather jacket in the backseat of a maroon Jeep Cherokee rental. When I returned the rental (after a festival weekend), I was rushed out and left it and my favorite water bottle inside. I called not even 20 minutes later when I got through security and realized I was missing my jacket, but of course "they were very sorry but your item cannot be found." I get random emails from Hertz sometimes with Lost and Found in the subject line that get me really excited, but they are always just reminders that they haven't yet pinpointed the location of the jacket. The only other thing I've ever left in a rental car is my passport. They didn't find that either.Now darlings, it was probably my fault for feeling like I would need a leather jacket on the east coast in July. If I were a normal human being and packed maxi dresses and cute shorts, I would still be snuggling with the jacket. But alas.So here's the thing, I don't think I can get through a winter without one. I'd like this one.
I have nothing left to say about this.ViceSo I've been thinking on this. Because truly darlings, I have so little vices left. Working the wine business makes me want to drink wine less than I ever have before (not because I don't love it, but because I'm surrounded by it every day). I've cut out the majority of dairy from my diet because I have adult acne and Khloe Kardashian said that cutting dairy out of her diet basically changed her life and I trust Khloe Kardashian implicitly. I rarely smoke cigarettes, and when I do it's because I'm somewhere that demands it like in a college friend's backyard or working the kitchen at camp. So what's left? I'll tell you what's left.Diamonds.For a long time, I wanted a big diamond. But what I've come to realize, darlings, is that I would hate wearing a big diamond and that potentially it would get in the way of everything I do all day which would mean that I would be taking it on and off and ultimately losing it like my jacket and my passport and it would be a whole insurance thing and well, I just don't think I'm up for it.But you know what I really love? Little diamonds. Lots of little diamonds.

I guess i don't have to say much about this fact except that I'm not thinking about giving up Diamonds anytime soon. And when you can get down with small diamonds, you can basically have your cake and eat it too. Le Hubs, are you listening?Also, isn't that baguette/princess band from Cartier spectacular? The next time I have an extra 50k lying around, I'll probably buy that. Actually, I'll probably put a down payment on vacation home, but a girl can dream right? Ok off to spin.Until next time, my darlings.xoxolcf