It is so ordered. Or why "privilege" is a dirty word.

Darlings,Today is a most important day. The day SCOTUS made a strong reminder to this fair country of ours that equality reigns. And that love will always win.Darlings, you know I have an opinion on most everything. But on this, there are no opinions. It is not a grey area. There is love and there is hate. And today, we were all reminded that love and therefore marriage is not a privilege, but a right.And although I could go on and on about this, I won't. But I wanted to share the poetic mandate in which this country remembered the morals on which it was founded.11205129_10103220960660820_105758567051109609_nDarlings, today - find love in more than you find loathe in.Because finally, love truly is (and allowed to be in all of it's greatest forms) all around. lcf


We all sing in the same voice or why we need to work together to create the beauty.


My name is LCF and I am addicted to Bronzer. Or why lips must breathe.